
Bertholet AM, Kazak L, Chouchani ET, Bogaczyńska MG, Paranjpe I, Wainwright GL, Bétourné A, Kajimura S, Spiegelman BM, Kirichok Y. Cell Metabolism 2017; 25: 811–822

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Bertholet AM, Kirichok Y. Biochimie 2016; 134: 28-34. Review


Odegaard JI, Lee MW, Sogawa Y, Bertholet AM, Locksley RM, Weinberg DE, Kirichok Y, Deo RC, Chawla A. Cell 2016; 166: 841-54.


Garg V, Kirichok Y. Elife 2016; 5. pii: e17293. Review


Miller MR, Mannowetz N, Iavarone AT, Safavi R, Gracheva EO, Smith JF, Hill RZ, Bautista DM, Kirichok Y, Lishko PV. Science 2016; 352: 555-9.


Lishko P, Kirichok Y. Elife 2015; 4. pii: e12760. Review


Fieni F, Johnson DE, Hudmon A, Kirichok Y. Nature 2014; 513: E1-2.


Smith JF, Syritsyna O, Fellous M, Serres C, Mannowetz N, Kirichok Y*, and Lishko PV*. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2013; 110: 6823-8 *- co-corresponding authors

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Lishko PV, Clapham DE, Navarro B, Kirichok Y. Methods in Enzymology 2013; 525: 59-83


Fieni F, Bae Lee S, Jan YN, Kirichok Y. Nature Commun 2012; 3: 1317.


Fedorenko A, Lishko PV, Kirichok Y. Cell 2012; 151: 400-13 PMID: 23063128


Lishko PV, Kirichok Y, Ren D, Navarro B, Chung JJ, Clapham DE. Annual Reviews Physiology 2012; 74: 453-75. Review


Kirichok Y, Lishko PV. Molecular Human Reproduction 2011; 17: 478-99. Review


Lishko PV, Botchkina IL, Kirichok Y. Nature 2011; 471: 387-91

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Lishko PV, Kirichok Y. Journal of Physiology 2010; 588: 4667-72. Review


Lishko PV, Botchkina IL, Fedorenko A, Kirichok Y. Cell 2010; 140; 327-337

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Navarro B, Kirichok Y, Clapham DE. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2007; 104: 7688-92


Kirichok Y, Navarro B, Clapham DE. Nature 2006; 439: 737-40.

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Kirichok Y, Krapivinsky G, Clapham DE. Nature 2004; 427: 360-364.

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